White Tail Spider In Australia

Separating Fact from Fiction: Debunking Myths Surrounding the White Tail Spider in Australia

The white-tail spider is a species of spider native to Australia and New Zealand. It has become the focus of many myths and legends, but what is known about these spiders? This article will explore the facts behind the fiction surrounding the white-tail spider in Australia. We look at their habitat, behaviour, diet, and any potential health risks associated with them. By examining scientific evidence, we hope to separate fact from fiction regarding this widely feared arachnid.

White-tail spiders are small brown or grey spiders ranging between 10-20mm in size. They prefer darkly sheltered areas such as under rocks, logs and leaf litter around human dwellings. Inside homes, they can be found living in clothing piles, bedding material and towels left on floors or furniture. As nocturnal hunters, they spend most of their day hidden away, only coming out after dark to hunt for prey.

Despite being one of the more common Australian spiders, there is still much confusion when it comes to separating fact from fiction concerning white-tail spiders in Australia. Some people fear that these creatures may threaten humans, while others believe that they are harmless because of their size and timid nature; so who’s right? To answer that question, we must delve into the science behind white tails in order to dispel some common misconceptions about them.


Scientific Species Name: Lampona cylindrata Genus: Lampona Class: Arachnida Family: Lamponidae Order: Araneae Subphylum: Chelicerata Phylum: Arthropoda Kingdom: Animalia

  • The Australian White Tail Spider is a species of spider endemic to Australia.
  • It belongs to the Lampona genus, which includes other species of white-tailed spiders found in Australia and New Zealand.
  • White Tail Spiders are classified under the Arachnida class, which includes spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites.
  • They are members of the Lamponidae family, a group of spiders commonly known as “sheet weavers”.
  • The Order Araneae includes all spiders, and the Subphylum Chelicerata includes arachnids, horseshoe crabs, and sea spiders.
  • White Tail Spiders belong to the Phylum Arthropoda, which comprises joint-legged invertebrates, including insects, arachnids, and crustaceans.
  • The Australian White Tail Spider is a member of the Animalia Kingdom, which includes all animals on Earth.

10 interesting Facts About The Australian White Tail Spider

  1. The Australian White Tail Spider is found throughout Australia and New Zealand.
  2. The spider’s name comes from the distinctive white tip on its tail.
  3. The venom of the White Tail Spider is not highly toxic to humans, despite persistent urban legends to the contrary.
  4. White Tail Spiders are known for their wandering habits and often find their way into homes and other buildings.
  5. They are relatively small, with females reaching about 1 cm in length and males about 0.5 cm in length.
  6. White Tail Spiders primarily feed on other spiders and insects.
  7. They are nocturnal and prefer to hide in dark, cool places during the day.
  8. The bite of the White Tail Spider can cause pain, swelling, and itching, but serious medical issues are rare.
  9. There are several species of White Tail Spiders in Australia, and some researchers believe they may have different venom compositions.
  10. Despite their reputation as dangerous spiders, White Tail Spiders play an important role in controlling insect populations and are not generally considered a significant threat to humans.

Species Identification

Identifying white-tail spiders in Australia can be a challenging task. Many Australian spider species are difficult to distinguish from one another, so specific features must be used for spider recognition.

White-tailed spiders (Lampona cylindrata) belong to the Lamponidae family of arachnids and typically have an orange or greyish body with dark brown legs. The defining feature of this species is its distinct white patch on the end of its abdomen, which gives it its name.

The appearance of the white-tailed spider varies depending on age and gender, as well as habitat type. Male specimens tend to have thinner legs than females and may grow up to 15mm in length, while female adults reach sizes closer to 20mm.

Juvenile specimens display different colouring compared to adults; they often appear blacker than their adult counterparts, with lighter patches appearing later in life as they mature. All individuals possess eight eyes arranged into two rows that are visible when viewed from above.

White-tail spiders inhabit a variety of habitats across Australia, including urban areas, gardens, woodlands and forests – making them relatively common within populated regions around the country. As such, these spiders may easily become confused with other local species leading to incorrect identification if not observed carefully.

Geographic Distribution

The geographic range of the white-tailed spider is extensive. It can be found naturally in regions stretching from South Australia and Victoria to Queensland, New South Wales, and the Australian Capital Territory. The species is also invasive in some parts of Tasmania. These spiders have been observed in urban environments across their native distribution as well as areas they have invaded.

White-tailed spiders are highly mobile creatures that often wander into human dwellings. This behaviour may explain why they continue to spread further than their original geographical distributions over time. It could also explain why sightings of these spiders have increased across different regions outside of their natural habitat since first being reported back in 1841.

In addition, this mobility makes it difficult for researchers to accurately monitor its exact range at any given moment due to its constantly changing environment.

It is clear that this species has a large reach throughout various parts of Australia, both within its native range and beyond it; however, even though there are numerous reports about them appearing all around the continent, more research needs to be done in order to understand where exactly they reside on a continuous basis fully.

Habitat And Behavioural Characteristics

The white tail spider is a nocturnal creature, typically found in dark and humid areas. They prefer warm temperatures but can survive in colder climates.

When it comes to their habitat, they are known for burrowing into the ground or hiding beneath rocks and logs. In terms of web construction, the species build webs for resting rather than trapping prey.

L. cylindrata male specimen on display in the Australian Museum
L. cylindrata male specimen on display in the Australian Museum – By Toby Hudson – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 au, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30862818

Their behavioural characteristics include:

  • Hiding behaviour:
  • White-tail spiders have an instinctive ability to hide from predators by burying themselves in debris or soil.
  • They also possess good camouflage skills when exposed to open environments to avoid being easily spotted.
  • Web construction:
  • The white-tail spider builds webs mainly for protection against predators and adverse weather conditions such as strong winds or rain.
  • Unlike other spiders, they do not use their webs to catch prey; they hunt actively throughout the night.

In addition to their abovementioned behaviours, these spiders show temperature preferences, preferring warmer climates over cold ones due to their need for moisture and food sources that may only be available at certain times of year in colder regions. This highlights the importance of being aware of environmental factors when considering white-tail spider behaviour and habits in Australia’s diverse climate zones.

Diet Of White Tail Spiders

Whitetail spiders feed on a variety of insect prey, including moths, cockroaches and other arthropods. They do not typically hunt actively or aggressively; rather they wait in places where their prey is likely to pass by them. When an unsuspecting insect enters the vicinity of the spider, it quickly jumps onto it and injects venom into its body. The venom paralyzes the victim, allowing the spider to consume it at leisure.

The diet of Whitetail spiders also includes smaller spiders and even larger invertebrates such as centipedes and millipedes. However, these predators tend to be avoided due to their size and aggressive nature. Instead, whitetails prefer to ambush small insects that are unlikely to fight back effectively if attacked. In addition to consuming live prey items, Whitetail spiders may scavenge for dead animals which have already been killed by other predators or natural causes.

Overall, the feeding habits of white-tail spiders demonstrate a specialist adaptation for utilizing a wide range of food sources while avoiding potential predators. This combination ensures that these spiders can survive in diverse habitats with limited resources available for predation or competition from other species.

Life Cycle & Reproduction

The white tail spider in Australia has a life cycle that is typical of spiders. Reproduction begins when the female and male mate, with the male depositing sperm into the genital opening of the female. The eggs produced by the female are then encased in an egg sac which she will carry around until they hatch. Once hatched, juvenile white-tail spiders emerge from their silken cocoons and start to search for prey.

For many species, this process takes several months; however, some can take up to two years, depending on environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity levels. During this time, the juveniles moult multiple times before reaching adulthood – once at approximately six weeks old, again at one year old and finally after 2-3 years. As adults, white tail spiders live solitary lives hunting small invertebrates as food sources while continuing to moult every 12-18 months throughout their lifespans which can reach up to 3 years in length.

White-tail spiders are unique among Australian arachnids due to their distinct reproductive behaviour, where females are capable of producing multiple egg clutches over a short period of time without requiring additional mating sessions with males. Such unusual reproductive traits make them an interesting group of organisms worth studying further.

Symptoms Of Bite Injuries

The symptoms of White Tail spider bite injuries can range from minor to severe. To better understand the possible consequences of a bite, it is important to be informed about what to expect should you or someone else come into contact with this species of spider. Below is a table summarizing the varying degree of severity associated with a White Tail spider bite as well as medical treatment and prevention tips for those affected by this type of arachnid.

Varying Severity Medical Treatment Bite Prevention
Mild Clean the wound thoroughly and apply antiseptic ointment or cream; take over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol if necessary. Wear protective clothing when outdoors; shake out shoes before putting them on; use insect repellent containing DEET (diethyl-m-toluamide); inspect outdoor furniture and equipment regularly; remove spiders’ webs and egg sacs.
Severe Seek immediate medical attention; administer antihistamines orally or intravenously if swelling occurs in combination with breathing difficulties; may require antibiotics and/or admission to hospital for observation depending on the individual’s response to venomous toxins. Use effective pest control methods around your home; keep food items stored away securely; remove clutter where spiders may hide during daylight hours.

White Tail spider bites are not always immediately painful. However, some people experience burning sensations that develop within minutes after being bitten. Common symptoms include redness, swelling, itching, nausea, headache and lethargy.

Additional signs, such as blistering lesions at the bite’s site and muscle cramping, can occur in more serious cases. It is important to note that most White Tail spider bites do not result in any long-term health complications but they still require prompt medical attention so that appropriate treatments can be administered if needed. Additionally, taking the precautionary measures outlined above will help significantly reduce your exposure risk.

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Treatment For Bite Injuries

When it comes to white tail spider bite injuries, effective treatment is essential. In most cases of a bite injury from this species, the first step should be to clean and disinfect the wound with antiseptic or soap and water. Applying an ice pack can help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen may also relieve symptoms. If possible, capture the spider so that a professional entomologist can confirm its identity.

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In more severe cases where symptoms persist beyond 48 hours, medical attention should be sought as soon as possible in order to receive further assessment and appropriate medical treatment. Common treatments include antibiotics, antihistamines (for allergic reactions), analgesics (pain relievers) and tetanus injections, depending on the severity of the bite injury symptoms.

It is important to note that while extremely rare, serious complications have been reported due to untreated white-tail spider bites; these generally occur when infection sets in after several days of no treatment. Therefore early diagnosis and prompt treatment are essential for optimal outcomes following a white-tail spider bite injury.

Prevention & Control Measures

Prevention and control measures for white tail spiders in Australia are essential to limit their potential impacts on human health. To reduce the risk of being bitten, it is recommended that people take certain steps:

  1. Regularly vacuum carpets and furniture to reduce spider populations;
  2. Wear long-sleeved clothing when outdoors or working in areas where spiders may be present;
  3. Inspect clothing before putting them on, especially if they have been left outside overnight; and
  4. Keep windows and doors closed whenever possible, particularly at night when spiders are most active.

In addition, effective spider control can also be achieved by using chemical insecticides or biological agents such as predatory insects or parasites which prey upon spiders. These methods can help reduce the number of spiders within a given area but should only be used after careful consideration of the risks associated with each type of product.

It is important to note that even though some chemicals may kill whitetails, there is no guarantee that these products will completely eradicate the species from an area since new individuals can quickly move into vacated habitats. Furthermore, it is worth noting that regular maintenance around homes and gardens – including removing old wood piles and leaf litter – can also help eliminate suitable breeding sites for Australian spiders.

Myths And Misconceptions

The threat of white-tail spiders in Australia has become a source of much debate and discussion. In particular, many myths that are not based on scientific evidence or fact have arisen. It is important to examine both sides of this arachnid-related controversy to separate the facts from fiction.

Myths Facts
White Tail Spiders are deadly venomous Some species can cause skin necrosis
They will bite you if provoked Bites are only defensive
All White Tail Spider bites require medication Most cases do not need treatment
You must stay away from these creatures Avoiding them is advisable
White Tail Spiders seek out humans for food Not true; they eat other insects

Many people suffer from arachnophobia – an irrational fear of spiders – so some urban legends about their danger may be exaggerated. For example, there is no conclusive evidence that any species of white-tail spider found in Australia have ever been fatal to humans. However, some white tail spiders possess venom, which can lead to severe effects such as skin necrosis and blistering. Therefore, it is best advised to avoid known habitats where these spiders live or try to capture them with care when spotted inside homes.

In addition, most bites inflicted by these eight-legged creatures occur due to self-defense when they feel threatened or disturbed and not because they sought out human contact for sustenance purposes. The majority of cases also do not necessitate medical intervention, and symptoms usually clear up within one week without therapeutic measures being taken. Nevertheless, those who suffer extreme reactions should immediately seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Overall, although there exists a number of misconceptions surrounding the potential danger posed by white-tail spiders in Australia, it is essential to remember that all organisms share our environment, and we need to coexist peacefully with them whenever possible. As long as preventive measures are observed, and certain safety precautions followed, then living alongside these fascinating little critters does not have to be an unpleasant experience for us all!

Conservation Status

The conservation status of the white-tail spider in Australia is uncertain. The species has not been officially listed as endangered or threatened under any legislation, and no active conservation efforts are targeting this species. However, because its habitat preferences have changed over time due to human-induced climate change, it may be at risk for extinction. As a result, monitoring of this species is required in order to determine whether it should be considered an endangered or threatened species.

Despite their potential endangerment, recent studies suggest that populations of the white-tail spider still exist throughout Australia and remain relatively stable. These spiders can typically be found living in dry environments such as deserts and rocky outcrops, where they feed on other arachnids and small insects.

They also require moisture from dew and rainwater for survival; therefore, providing ample water sources near their habitats could help improve their chances of survival. Additionally, more research into the ecology of these spiders might provide insights into ways to manage them better in order to ensure their long-term preservation within Australian ecosystems.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do White Tail Spiders Typically Live?

White-tail spiders are a species of spider native to Australia. They are commonly found in the coastal regions and other areas with warmer climates, particularly in Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland. The lifespan of white tail spiders depends on their environment and habitat; however, generally, they can live from two to three years.

The abundance of food sources, such as insects or other arachnids, is an important factor affecting white-tail spiders’ life span. In addition to this, environmental conditions also play a role; for example, temperature and humidity may shorten the lifespan if not favourable. Furthermore, predators such as centipedes or birds may reduce their life expectancy due to predation risk.

Due to its adaptability towards different habitats and environments, the white tail spider has become one of the most common species in Australia. This makes it easier for them to survive and thrive under various conditions across the country, resulting in longer lifespans than those living in harsher environments like deserts or high altitudes.

As such, scientists have concluded that while the exact length of time a white-tail spider lives depends on factors mentioned above – food sources, environment etc. – they typically live between two and three years in average Australian conditions.

L. cylindrata – face detail with fangs
L. cylindrata – face detail with fangs – By Sylke Rohrlach – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=38599694

Are White Tail Spiders Dangerous To Humans?

White-tail spiders have been known to inhabit Australia for the past few decades. Their presence has raised questions about these creatures’ potential danger to humans. To address this concern, it is important to understand their toxicity level and venom effects.

The white tail spider is not considered dangerous to humans due to its relatively low levels of toxicity in its venom. Though some mild localised pain or itching may be associated with a bite from one of these spiders, serious symptoms are rarely seen. In most cases, any discomfort caused by a bite will wear off within 24 hours without medical attention is necessary.

This does not mean that all bites should be taken lightly; if an individual experiences severe swelling, nausea, vomiting or fever, they should seek medical advice immediately as such symptoms could indicate more serious complications.

Despite lacking toxic venom, white tail spiders can still cause harm by biting and scratching humans when they feel threatened, making caution around them advisable. Additionally, while proper first-aid treatment following a bite may help alleviate any issues quickly, regular checks on the wound area are recommended due to the possibility of infection setting in over time, requiring professional medical attention.

Is There A Difference In The Appearance Of Male And Female White Tail Spiders?

When it comes to white-tail spiders, the differences between males and females are easily distinguishable. These arachnids exhibit distinctive variations in their physical appearance that make them easy to identify. In particular, male and female white-tail spiders have distinct features when observed side-by-side:

  • Males tend to be slightly larger than females, with a body length of up to 18mm compared to 14mm for females.
  • The abdomen of males is generally darker than that of females, often appearing black or greyish brown.
  • Females possess two reddish spots on their abdomens, whereas males lack this feature.
  • Male white tails typically have longer legs than those of the female – another trait that makes identification easier.
  • The palps (or ‘feelers’) of males are also elongated, while those of females remain relatively short.

It is important to note that despite these observable differences, both sexes share the same general characteristics, such as a cylindrical shape body and eight long yellow/brown legs.

This uniformity can make it challenging for people unfamiliar with spider anatomy to differentiate between male and female specimens at first glance – no matter where they might be located within Australia. However, by examining the distinctions outlined above, one will quickly gain an appreciation for how these creatures differ from each other based on gender alone.

Are White Tail Spiders Found In Other Countries Besides Australia?

The white-tail spider is a species of spider found across Australia and New Zealand. It has become notorious due to its venomous bite, which can cause pain and swelling in humans. But are these spiders also found elsewhere? The answer is yes – while the white-tail spider may be most plentiful in Australia and New Zealand, there have been confirmed sightings of this species in other countries as well.

In recent years, whitetail spiders have been discovered inhabiting parts of Europe, South America and Asia. As their habitat continues to spread around the world, it’s important to understand more about these arachnids – from how they look to where they might appear next.

For example, did you know that male and female whitetail can differ in size and colour? Male specimens tend to be smaller than females, with greyer colouring on the abdomen. Understanding facts such as these will help people recognize when they might come into contact with one of these potentially dangerous creatures, no matter where they live or travel.

It’s clear that the presence of whitetail spiders extends beyond just Australia and New Zealand. Although knowledge about them varies depending on location, understanding what differentiates them from other spider species is key for any traveller who might encounter one abroad. Moreover, being aware of both facts and fiction surrounding this fascinating animal helps ensure everyone’s safety wherever they may go.

What Kind Of Environment Do White Tail Spiders Prefer To Inhabit?

White-tail spiders are a species of spider native to Australia. They prefer to live in humid climates and warm weather, making them ideal for the Australian environment. As well as this, they enjoy dark areas such as wood piles or under rocks and moist soil that provides an ideal home for these creatures.

White tail spiders can also be found living in other countries with similar conditions – generally hot and humid places. For instance, they have been known to inhabit parts of New Zealand, although not in large numbers like in Australia. In addition, white-tailed spiders have spread further into Asia over recent years due to climate change and human activity.

Therefore, it is important to understand the preferred habitats of white-tailed spiders so that people can take preventative measures against potential infestations if necessary. Such steps could include preventing moisture build-up around homes by keeping gutters clear of debris, regularly checking outdoor furniture for any signs of webs or eggs sacks, avoiding storing items close to walls where the spiders may lurk, and wearing gloves when moving logs or stones from gardens or yards.

By taking these precautions, we can help protect our homes from unwelcome guests while still appreciating the presence of these fascinating arachnids in their natural environment.


The white tail spider is a species of arachnid that can be found in Australia. It has been the subject of much debate, with many people wondering if it is dangerous to humans or not. This article will look at some facts and dispel common fiction regarding white tail spiders.

To begin, the typical lifespan for a white tail spider ranges from one to two years. In terms of danger posed to humans, studies have indicated that venom from these spiders may cause localised skin lesions but are unlikely to result in more serious symptoms such as systemic reaction or necrosis. Furthermore, male and female white tail spiders exhibit differences in appearance, with males having longer legs than females.

In addition, although native only to Australia, specimens have been reported outside this region due to accidental transport by cargo ships and aircraft. White tails prefer dark places like woodpiles and furniture inside buildings; however, they can also be found outdoors under rocks, logs and bark during summer months when temperatures rise above 20 degrees Celsius.

In conclusion, knowledge of key facts surrounding the white tail spider helps provide insight into its characteristics and behaviours. Although there are myths associated with this species that tend to exaggerate any potential risk they pose, research indicates that their venom is largely harmless unless exposed in large quantities over an extended period of time.

Resources and Further Reading

The truth about white-tailed spiders – Australian Geographic

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